Monthly Archives: September 2015

Who is the father of Computer?

hdadmin/ September 30, 2015/ Computers, Famous Inventions/ 0 comments

There are many people who have major contributions to the field of computing. Charles Babbage: Babbage’s early career was devoted to practical applied science, particularly in manufacturing. But he is most famous for his work on what he called the Difference Engine and, later, the Analytical Engine. As early as 1822 he speculated that a machine could be used to compute complex

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Birth of the computer

hdadmin/ September 30, 2015/ Famous Inventions/ 0 comments

Before the 1920s,computers (sometimes computers) were human clerks that performed computations. They were usually under the lead of a physicist. Many thousands of computers were employed in commerce, government, and research establishments. Most of these computers were women. Some performed astronomical calculations for calendars, others ballistic tables for the military. After the 1920s, the expressioncomputing machine referred to any machine that performed the

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Computer History

hdadmin/ September 30, 2015/ Computers/ 0 comments

The computer as we know it today had its beginning with a 19TH century. English mathematics professor name Charles Babbage. He designed the Analytical Engine and it was this design that the basic framework of the computers of today are based on. A computer is a general-purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Since a sequence of operations

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Thomas Alva Edison

hdadmin/ September 30, 2015/ Famous businessmen/women/ 0 comments

He was an American inventor  and businessman. Born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio; the seventh and last child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. When he was seven his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan and Edison lived there until he struck out on his own at the age of sixteen. He had very little formal education as a child, attending

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FIRST Championship Next time schedule in the coming years.

hdadmin/ September 29, 2015/ Famous Inventions, Robotics and Robots/ 0 comments

I am writing today with some really exciting news! Today topic is  FIRST Championship Next time schedule in the coming years. 2016:   Louis, MO: April 27-30, 2016 2017:   Houston, TX: April 19-22, 2017     St.Louis, MO: April 26-29, 2017 2018:   Houston, TX: April 18-21, 2018     Detroit, MI: April 25-28, 2018 2019:   Houston, TX: April 17-20, 2019 Detroit, MI:

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Inventor of the Automobile

E. J/ September 21, 2015/ Automobile, Famous Inventions/ 0 comments

Who is the inventor of the automobile? There are many different types of automobiles – steam, electric, and gasoline.  The invention of the automobile can be traced back as far as 1769. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804)  STEAM / Built the first self propelled road vehicle (military tractor) for the French army: three wheeled, 2.5 mph.